Organisational Mental Health

Employee wellbeing is fundamental to workplace engagement, satisfaction, and productivity. When employee wellbeing is compromised, employees become distracted or unable to perform, absenteeism increases, and employees may leave the job or negatively impact upon other employees. Employee wellbeing affects the bottom line. Mental health matters.

Clarity helps organisations monitor and improve employee mental wellbeing through multiple strategies available as part of our Employee Assistance Programmes that can be customised to meet the requirements of your organisation.

  • Employee Assistance Programmes can include the following services:
    • Employee access to professional and confidential counselling/therapy paid by the employer
    • Employee access to a 24-hour counselling helpline
    • Critical Incident Stress Debriefings
    • Line Managing for Mental Health training
    • Regular information on mental health issues relevant to employees and organisations
    • Organisational mental health assessments
    • Talks, presentations on mental health issues
    • Training in soft skills such as Emotional Intelligence
    • Conflict mediation and resolution

Contact Clarity Sdn Bhd to learn how your organisation can benefit from an Employee Assistance Programme. Benefits include:

  • Improved productivity and/or profitability
  • Greater employee engagement
  • Reduced sick days
  • Reduced turnover
  • Improved employee morale and satisfaction

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